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Optical fiber water monitoring technology

Water detection monitoring technology using distributed fiber optic sensing (DTS/DTSS) employs fiber optics as sensing elements to achieve continuous distributed temperature measurement within oil and gas wells. This technology leverages the principle that water-bearing formations and oil/gas-bearing formations exhibit different temperature characteristics (e.g., cooling due to water injection or naturally lower temperatures in aquifers). By analyzing the high-resolution temperature distribution profile, the location of water-bearing zones can be inferred. Additionally, by integrating the strain measurement capabilities of fiber optics (such as DTSS), changes in formation stress can be analyzed to further assist in assessing the dynamics of water-bearing formations.

Scope of application:

A well with a large increase in the proportion of water in the production of oil and gas fields.

Features and Advantages

Static measurement provides more accurate data.

Distributed measurement covers the entire wellbore with sensors.

Suitable for water detection monitoring in wells with intermittent wateproduction and complex well conditions.

Data analysis enables identification of the location, thickness, and variations in water content of water-bearing zones.

Integration with geological and well condition information allows for a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics of water-bearing formations.

Analysis of test data and well conditions determines the spatial distribution, water volume trends, and potential influencing factors of water-bearing zones.

Application situation:

Fiber optic water detection monitoring technology is primarily used to determine the location and extent of water encroachment in oil and gas wells. It helps identify which areas of the reservoir have been invaded by water, quantifies the impact of water encroachment on the reservoir, and provides data support for developing water shutoff or adjusting injection and production plans. It is also employed to monitor the oil-water interface in salt cavern gas storage facilities, which is crucial for the operational management of hydrocarbon storage infrastructure.

The optical fiber monitoring is used to determine the leak location during the decompression/restoration of the A annulus.

Main producing layer identification: Through the integrated response of DTS and DAS, the water production of each producing layer can be calculated and the main producing layer can be identified.

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