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Wind Power Inspection Technical Services

T-ALL Inspection Group offers a full lifecycle technical service for wind power generation equipment and facilities. Our services encompass site selection assessment, design evaluation, construction engineering, operation and maintenance management, in-service inspection, upgrade and transformation, as well as training and consulting. We provide integrated quality control and proactive fault prevention services to ensure the reliability and safety of wind power systems, guarantee operational efficiency, and promote the industry's positive development.

Key Services

■ Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) : Provide NDT for wind turbine critical components such as main shafts, blades, pitch bearings, high-strength bolts, and tower welds.

■ Grid Integration Testing: Offer power quality, active power, and reactive power testing for wind farm.

■ Post-Warranty Acceptance: Include document audits, operational data analysis, major component inspections (blades, gearbox, generator), subsystem testing, performance evaluations, gearbox endoscopic inspections, drive train vibration assessments, tower verticality and foundation settlement monitoring, and oil quality analysis.

Technical Expertise

■ Our professional team consists of over 80 members with a certification rate of no less than 85%, including more than 20% senior personnel.

We possess over 300 specialized pieces of non-destructive testing, testing, operation, and maintenance equipment suitable for wind power.

 With technical capabilities for wind power equipment and facility detection solutions, we have established multiple testing service bases across China, such as in Xinjiang, Xi'an, Tianjin, Hubei, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangdong, and Hainan, enabling us to provide rapid, localized professional services.

Certifications and Capabilities

Certified for non-destructive testing, equipment supervision, and power industry standards, including CMA/CNAS/PMC/CASEI-B levels.

Staffed with Phased Array Level 2, Non-Destructive Testing Level 2 certified professionals, and experts with specialized certifications in high-altitude operations, electrical work, UAV operations, marine safety, vibration analysis, and power safety.

Service Achievements

Successfully completed a post-warranty acceptance project for a wind farm in Shandong by SPIC

Conducted UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)inspections for blade checks at a wind farm in Anhui by Datang.

Performed power curve testing for a wind farm in Jiangsu by China Resources, and main shaft inspection for a wind farm in Yunnan using Gamesa turbines.
