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Photovoltaic Power Station Inspection and Assessment Technical Services

T-ALL Inspection Group delivers a suite of lifecycle inspection and technical services for photovoltaic power stations, encompassing supervision of equipment and facilities, testing and assessment, operational maintenance, in-service inspections, system upgrades, and professional training and consulting. Our goal is to ensure the reliability and safety of photovoltaic power systems through stringent quality controls and preventive maintenance measures.


Key Services 关键服务

 Document Review: Expert evaluation of preliminary designs, project documentation, equipment specifications, and final acceptance records for photovoltaic installations.文件审查:对光伏安装项目的初步设计、项目文件、设备规格和最终验收记录进行专家评估。

 Operational Data Analysis: In-depth analysis of annual power generation, benchmarked against theoretical projections to verify performance and identify potential operational variances.运营数据分析:对年度发电量进行深入分析,并与理论预测值进行对比,以验证性能并识别潜在的运营偏差。

■ Specialized Testing: Comprehensive inspections and assessments, including IV curve testing, insulation and grounding resistance checks, infrared and EL diagnostics, line loss and shading analysis, galvanization thickness testing, tilt and spacing configuration, inverter efficiency and power quality evaluations, and PR value-based efficiency analysis.特殊测试:包括IV曲线测试、绝缘和接地电阻检查、红外和EL诊断、线路损耗和遮挡分析、镀锌厚度测试、倾斜和间距配置、逆变器效率和电力质量评估以及基于PR值的效率分析。

Technical Expertise 专业技术

■ A team of over 50 qualified professionals with certifications, including a significant proportion of senior experts.一支由50多位具备专业资质并持有证书的团队,其中不乏资深专家。拥有超过50名具备专业资质并持有证书的团队成员,其中不乏资深专家。

 An array of over 120 specialized equipment for non-destructive testing, operation, and maintenance of photovoltaic facilities.拥有超过120种专业设备,用于光伏设施的无损检测、运行和维护。

 National coverage with multiple testing service bases strategically located in key regions like Xinjiang, Xi'an, Tianjin, Hubei, Yunnan, Sichuan, Zhanjiang, and Hainan, ensuring swift, localized service delivery.全国范围内设有多个测试服务基地,战略性地分布在新疆、西安、天津、湖北、云南、四川、湛江和海南等关键地区,确保快速、本地化的服务交付。全国覆盖,在新疆、西安、天津、湖北、云南、四川、湛江和海南等关键地区设有多个检测服务基地,确保快速、本地化的服务交付。

Certifications and Capabilities认证与能力

 Certified for non-destructive testing, equipment supervision, and power industry standards, including CMA/CNAS/PMC/CASEI-B levels.该设备已获得无损检测、设备监督和电力行业标准的认证,包括CMA/CNAS/PMC/CASEI-B等级。

 Staffed with Phased Array Level 2, Non-Destructive Testing Level 2 certified professionals, and experts with specialized certifications in high-altitude operations, electrical work, UAV operations, marine safety, vibration analysis, and power safety.公司拥有经过Phased Array Level 2和Non-Destructive Testing Level 2认证的专业人员,以及在高海拔作业、电气工作、无人机操作、海洋安全、振动分析和电力安全等方面拥有专业认证的专家。公司拥有经过Phased Array Level 2和Non-Destructive Testing Level 2认证的专业人员,以及在高海拔作业、电气工作、无人机操作、海洋安全、振动分析和电力安全等方面拥有专业认证的专家。

Service Achievements 服务成果

 Successfully completed a fault diagnosis and inspection project for a photovoltaic power station in Jingxing, Hebei.成功完成了河北省景兴光伏电站的故障诊断与检查项目。
