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New Energy Electrochemical Energy Storage Technical Services

T-ALL Inspection Group provides end-to-end technical services for energy storage solutions, encompassing planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and system optimization. We focus on improving energy efficiency, ensuring security, and advancing renewable energy, offering full technical support for sustainable energy utilization.

Key Services

■  Planning: Design evaluation, component certification and testing, environmental adaptability testing, and safety assessment services for the preliminary planning of energy storage stations.

  Construction: Equipment supervision, product arrival acceptance, electrical installation testing, pre-connection compliance testing, and completion acceptance testing services during the construction phase of energy storage stations.

■  Operation:Ongoing station maintenance, efficiency assessments, and operational supervision.

Technical Expertise

 Equipped with a full range of professional precision testing instruments, offering 24/7 precise services to clients.

  Our technical team has undergone specialized training and assessment for energy storage stations, ensuring solid testing techniques with high efficiency and pass rates.

Senior technical experts provide one-on-one comprehensive services, from product development consultation, evaluation, forecasting, testing, to factory inspection guidance.

 Capable of providing wind power equipment and facility detection solutions, with multiple testing service bases established across China, including regions like Xinjiang, Xi'an, Tianjin, Hubei, Yunnan, Sichuan, Zhanjiang, and Hainan, enabling rapid response to client needs and localized professional services.

Certifications and Capabilities

Certified for non-destructive testing, equipment supervision, and power industry standards, including CMA/CNAS/PMC/CASEI-B levels.

 Staffed with Phased Array Level 2, Non-Destructive Testing Level 2 certified professionals, and experts with specialized certifications in high-altitude operations, electrical work, UAV operations, marine safety, vibration analysis, and power safety.

Service Achievements

Successfully completed a wind power energy storage project for CGN in Xinjiang.

■ Conducted acceptance testing for an energy storage power station project for CHNG in Anhui.
