AntonFlo-800 Nano Complex Fluid

The nano-level oil-in-water emulsion formed by compounding surfactant and organic solvent. The small size features support expanding the swept volume of the micro-nano-pore-throat matrix. The organic core promotes the crude oil dispersion and improves the permeability of crude oil in the micro-nano-pore-throat matrix. The ultra-low interfacial tension enhances the elution ability of crude oil in the reservoir. The dual-phase wetting can effectively enter the micro-nano-pore-throat matrix under different wetting conditions and perform capillary action. The emulsion breaking and viscosity reduction assist in promoting crude oil fluidity.

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1. Particle size 10 - 100 nm with small volume. Nanodroplets can penetrate into nano-scale pores of the reservoir.
2. Interfacial tension as low as 0.000001mN/m, enhance water wetting.
3. Strong dissolving performance, double dissolving ability to remove the organic blockage, reduce crude oil viscosity, and lower oil and gas flow resistance.
4. Natural environmental protection raw material formulation, degradable.
Provide customized nano surfactant + solvent products to meet the technical requirements of various reservoir conditions and crude oil components.

1. Applied to fracture fluid system to improve stimulation and modification effect.
2. Applied to oil repelling, displace the residual oil in the nano-scale pores from the reservoir, enhance the EOR.
3. Applied to unblock organic matter, emulsification, and condensation damage in oil and gas wells.
4. Applied to thickened oil EOR.
5. Applied to remove grease from oil tanks, pipelines, heat exchangers, oil-water separators, drilling rigs, ships, etc.
1. More than 3100 fractured wells applied in North American, with 20-50% improvement in stimulation effects of fracturing fluids using nanomaterials.
2. More than 40 tight oil wells in China were tested for energy-enhancing fracturing, and the average cumulative oil production of a single well in 60 days was improved by 45% compared to adjacent wells.
3. More than 20 tight gas wells in China were tested for energy-enhancing fracturing, and the average cumulative gas production of a single well in 60 days was improved by 42% compared with the adjacent wells.
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