Tackifiers for Fracturing Fluids

This product is a fracturing fluid technology developed through extensive research and practical application in major Chinese oilfields, including PetroChina, Sinopec, and CNOOC. It offers an advanced solution for hydraulic fracturing, aimed at improving oil and gas recovery while minimizing environmental damage. The fracturing fluid enhances reservoir productivity and reduces potential damage by ensuring good thermal stability, low residue, and compatibility with reservoir fluids.

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1. Good shear resistance and thermal stability, particularly for deep wells.
2. Complete gel breaking for minimal residue and easy flowback.
3. High compatibility with reservoir rocks and fluids to prevent formation damage.
4. Low filtration and low friction to reduce operation costs.
5. Simple, economical, and efficient for field application.
1. Maximizes oil and gas recovery with minimal environmental impact.
2. Reduces damage to the reservoir by preventing fluid filtrate penetration and clay swelling.
3. Cost-effective by saving on reagents and labor compared to traditional fracturing methods.
4. Provides easy recyclability and environmental protection due to fewer additives.
1. Applied in major oilfields such as Shengli, Liaohe, and Jilin with a 100% construction success rate.
2. Achieved significant production increases post-fracturing, showcasing the product's efficacy in real-world conditions.
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