Asset Integrity Management Consulting Services

According to the asset integrity management needs of oilfield and pipeline network customers, standardize the integrity management practices, improve the integrity management level, and provide consulting services such as integrity management system construction, integrity management system review and improvement, integrity management implementation plan design and guidance and training.

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Integrity management system construction: according to the relevant standards, norms, laws and regulations, combined with the actual management of enterprises, to establish the integrity management system for enterprises, and to guide the standardized development of the integrity management work;

Integrity management implementation plan design and guidance training: integrity management implementation process related plan, planning and other preparation services, personnel training and guidance implementation, etc.
With international and domestic well-known experts and consulting team, with rich management system construction planning, system audit, training and guidance and implementation of asset integrity management practical experience;

Can cover the pipeline, station, refinery, gas storage, urban gas and other fields;

Continue to standard the international and domestic advanced, combined with the actual enterprise, customized technical services.
Mainly serving PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC and the international market;

Indonesia PCI asset integrity management technical service, South gas mine integrity management personnel performance ability assessment.
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