CCUS technology services

CCUS, That is, carbon capture, utilization and storage technologyIt can effectively reduce carbon dioxide Technologies for (CO₂)emissions. CCUS technology consists of three links: carbon capture, carbonutilization and carbon storage.

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1、We capture CO₂ from high emission sources such as industrialsources and power plants to reduce its orientation the amountreleased in the atmosphere.

2、We convert CO₂ into useful products such as fuels, chemicalsand building materials to reuse CO₂.

3、 CO₂ gas is injected into the underground reservoir to fuse withcrude oil under high pressure, reducing the viscosity of crudeoil, improving crude oil fluidity and improving productioneffciency.
The degree of emission reduction is large:
Comprehensive emission reduction, great emission reduction potentialcan promote the clean utilization of coal and other fossil energy.

Wide range of applications:
Storing CO₂ compresses it into a liquid state, which is not only easyto use and transport, but also provides a large amount of liquid CO₂ for geological applications.

Facilitate industrial transformation:
Promote the transformation from traditional high pollution and highenergy consumption to low pollution and high effciency.